Attendees: Rachel Peterson, Mike Reiter, Dan Berke, Allan Geller, Sylvie Troxel
- Web site – worth keeping? Pump up the look? Definitely get the refund form working
- JO qualifiers – same weekend as a rain city RYC. Looking to move – possibly weekend after thanksgiving
- LAO set up on AskFred. Vet events added
- We need more Leon medals. Wine for supplementary prize. 5 bottles wine, 5 bottles alt beverages.
- Snacks needed also for 15 people
- Alan hiring refs. Dan – Need to look into hotels near SAS.
- Dan to reach out to Aly for trainer
- Armory for LAO. Andy or Ken. Alan to get them lined up
- Need to get More championship trophies – men’s and women’s saber, and 3 weapon need to be replaced. Action – Mike. $250 / trophy budget
- Getting more Board representation / input – We will put a notice on the Facebook page for the next meeting for Division members to attend if they want.