WWD Post Season Meeting 071717

Attendees: Mike, Rachel, Alan, Sylvie, Dan


  1. Error noted in previous minutes – the Leon Auriol is not a ROC, the SIV Cup is
  2. Season wrap up. No major comments.  The season went reasonably smoothly.
  3. Chase bank needs the Secretary to complete the transfer of account from Joe Hoover to Sylvie Troxel.  It could also be a letter from the Secretary on WWD letterhead.  Joe, Sylvie, and Mike to coordinate.
    1. May also consider switching banks.
    2. Treasurer to investigate electronic payment options
  4. Schedule for next season – sent out previously. No known issues
  5. Starting the process of hiring refs for the LaO. Should be mostly local.
  6. Scoring machines – MTFC is interested in buying surplus devices.  Ours need the saber updates.  2 reels per machine and 4 scoring devices.  Need to check inventory and determine location.  Kael Sherrard is also interested.
    1. Comparable new devices cost an estimated $1400 (scoring machine and reels)
    2. Sale price to be negotiated
  7. Membership renewals for the Board – USFA has restructured this, so now the Professional price is a la carte.  Division will cover the extra cost but not the competitive membership.  Non competitive memberships will also be covered for the board.
  8. Need to replace some of the Division trophies.
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