Western Washington Division Annual Meeting

June 1, 2024, at the WWD Championships

  • Alan Geller opened the meeting
  • Generally successful season
  • Announcement of Mark Lundborg taking gold at vet worlds
    • Many others competed at vet worlds
  • More of the same expected for next year
  • SAS will move during the off season
  • 3 people leaving as officers – Mike Reiter, Rachel Peterson, Amanda Beaver
  • New candidates – Sylvie Troxel as Secretary; Pavel Rozalski , Leland Patton, Samantha Wang all as vice chair
  • Alan, Kevin, George returning in same roles
  • Unanimous vote in favor
  • Amanda: $19712 in bank.
  • Greg – happy to see new blood; encouraged people to be more active in fencing and reffing and armory
  • Meeting concluded
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