Attendees: Mike, Rachel, Alan, Sylvie, Dan
- Error noted in previous minutes – the Leon Auriol is not a ROC, the SIV Cup is
- Season wrap up. No major comments. The season went reasonably smoothly.
- Chase bank needs the Secretary to complete the transfer of account from Joe Hoover to Sylvie Troxel. It could also be a letter from the Secretary on WWD letterhead. Joe, Sylvie, and Mike to coordinate.
- May also consider switching banks.
- Treasurer to investigate electronic payment options
- Schedule for next season – sent out previously. No known issues
- Starting the process of hiring refs for the LaO. Should be mostly local.
- Scoring machines – MTFC is interested in buying surplus devices. Ours need the saber updates. 2 reels per machine and 4 scoring devices. Need to check inventory and determine location. Kael Sherrard is also interested.
- Comparable new devices cost an estimated $1400 (scoring machine and reels)
- Sale price to be negotiated
- Membership renewals for the Board – USFA has restructured this, so now the Professional price is a la carte. Division will cover the extra cost but not the competitive membership. Non competitive memberships will also be covered for the board.
- Need to replace some of the Division trophies.