Western Washington Division Annual Meeting

June 1, 2024, at the WWD Championships

  • Alan Geller opened the meeting
  • Generally successful season
  • Announcement of Mark Lundborg taking gold at vet worlds
    • Many others competed at vet worlds
  • More of the same expected for next year
  • SAS will move during the off season
  • 3 people leaving as officers – Mike Reiter, Rachel Peterson, Amanda Beaver
  • New candidates – Sylvie Troxel as Secretary; Pavel Rozalski , Leland Patton, Samantha Wang all as vice chair
  • Alan, Kevin, George returning in same roles
  • Unanimous vote in favor
  • Amanda: $19712 in bank.
  • Greg – happy to see new blood; encouraged people to be more active in fencing and reffing and armory
  • Meeting concluded
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WWD Board Meeting 11/21/23

  • Attendees: Kevin Mar, George Peebles, Amanda Beaver, Rachel Peterson, Alan Geller Mike Reiter
  • Status on JO Qualifiers
    • Events on AskFred
    • Epee at Kaizen
    • Saber at SAS
    • Foil at Rain City
    • 16 / 17 December
  • Status of Battle / Coverage
    • Alan working on staff – Armorers, trainer hired; working on refs.
    • There will be some developmental refs as well
    • Alan will be the Bout Committee
    • T Shirts – pre-order only
    • Rachel to order prizes (coffee, french presses, etc)
    • BiS Medals
      • Alan has reached out to some people for a design
      • Mike volunteered to submit some designs
      • Mike to set up the medals once design is agreed upon
  • Summer National Qualifiers
    • Alan will propose some dates for this
  • Division Championships
    • Alan will propose some dates for this
  • Probable Changes Next Season
    • JO Qualifiers may go away at the National Level
    • Some others may also go away
    • Part of the evolving National strategy for tournaments, qualification paths
  • Getting people involved at Division level
    • Need to get representation
    • Need to have fresh faces
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2023Western Washington Division Annual Meeting

  • WWD annual meeting held June 11,2023 at Salle Auriol.
  • Dan Berke stepping down; Alan Geller stepping up to fill his role.
  • USFA requires a uniform set of bylaws; we are adopting these.
  • We have a Google group for emails.
  • Next season, there will be multiple regional events.
  • Finances – bank accounts updated; we are stable on funds.
  • Board elections – added George Peebles as vice chair – same slate for everyone else. Unanimous voice vote
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2022 WWD Membership Meeting

The meeting took place at Salle Auriol on 6/19/22

  • Emerald city club has closed
  • New mailing list available -link on division website
  • USFA Calendar out for next season including Battle in Seattle, Seattle International Veteran’s Cup, RJCCs. No SYCs locally.
  • Same slate of board members with new treasurer – Amanda Beaver
  • Financial report: we made a small profit on BIS, and broke even in others, and lost a small amount on championship. We have money in the bank.
  • Local tournament planning for next year to start after summer nationals
  • USFA to crack down on hair enforcement
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WWD Annual Meeting 2021

WWD Annual Meeting 6/27/21

Mike Reiter, Kevin Mar, Sylvie Troxel, Rachel Peterson, Dan Berke, Alan Geller


  • Adam Geller
  • Spencer Felt
  • Yasser Eldarawani
  • Prashant Ketkar
  • Greg Jones
  • Alison Burchet


  • WWD has started sanctioning events again
  • No championships this year
  • Old mailing list on Yahoo is gone; replace with a Google group – WWD Fencing
  • 86 WWD members going to Nationals
  • Waiting to hear about status of National events (e.g., COVID protocols, event caps)
  • No locations for NACs announced as of this date
  • Regional events deadline has passed; Battle in Seattle already scheduled
  • Division schedule will be set after National schedule is announced
  • Financials
    • $618 earned via USFA rebate
  • Election
    • No nominations from the members
    • All past Board members running
    • Unanimous vote by acclimation
  • A new Treasurer search is needed for next year
  • Meeting Adjourned
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2020 WWD Annual Meeting

June 14, 2020

A recording of the meeting is available here.

  • Conducted via video conference call
  • 11 people in attendance at the start of the call
  • March / April NACs canceled
  • Summer Nationals canceled
  • Division Qualifiers will not be held
  • The WWD Championships have also been canceled
  • Waiting to hear from USFA about plans for the next season
  • Regional events for the fall are still TBD. USFA may allow organizers to cap event size to conform with local requirements. There will be some guidance on suggested sizes (e.g., if the guidance is 50 people, the event would be capped at 25 competitors)
  • Leon Auriol Open has been transferred to Salle Auriol to run; it is likely to be postponed or canceled based on the planned September date
  • Battle in Seattle – January – we will need to make provisional plans
  • Clubs are looking into best practices for reopening, in accordance with USFA guidelines
  • Considering coordinating club re-opening – we encourage clubs to discuss the guidelines amongst themselves
  • There will need to be a waiver for people to sign that they understand the risk. Looking for a volunteer lawyer to draft this.
  • Considering making use of a COVID safety video.
  • Metro Tacoma has created a document for COVID safety and will make that available.
  • Financial Report
    • All events were profitable
    • Profits to be reinvested in activities such as referee training
    • Planned expenses believed to be in line with available funds
  • Annual Officer Election
    • Chair – Dan Berke
    • Vice – Kevin Mar, Alan Geller, Rachel Peterson
    • Secretary – Mike Reiter
    • Treasurer – Sylvie Troxel
    • No nominations via email
    • Opened to nominations: None made
    • Sylvie Troxel has announced that this is her last year so if people are interested for next year, please let the Board know
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WWD Annual Meeting

  • The Division Annual Meeting was held at the Division Championships on June 9, 2019
  • Discussed how people hear about local events
  • Discussed Facebook and Instagram page
  • Discussed the Division mailing list
  • Suggestion was made for a division poster to be put up in clubs (we will do that)
  • Also discussed web page, asked for volunteers to revamp the site
  • Next season, we plan the usual mix of events
  • Leon Auriol Open will be at SAS; after this year, Salle Auriol will run it. 
  • JO qualifiers at RCFC after Thanksgiving 
  • BiS at Rain City in January 
  • D2/3 qualifiers at SAS in April
  • Championship in June, location tbd 
  • Regional events 
    • No Bladefest this year, but there will be an event at RCFC in September 
    • Others in Portland
    • 2 SYC
    • 5 RJCC 
    • Many RYCC
    • Others
  • Treasurer – we have money, but less than in the past.  Made $6.28 total at LAO. Made money on the Battle. Smaller events like qualifiers and championships mostly break even. 
  • Slate for officers: same as last year. No challengers.  All officers were re-elected by acclamation. 
    • President – Dan Berke
    • Treasurer – Sylvie Troxel
    • Vice – Alan Geller
    • Vice – Rachel Peterson
    • Vice – Kevin Mar
    • Secretary – Michael Reiter
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Benefit Tournament for Keyon Davoodian

Keyon, a fencer and coach at MTFC, recently suffered a bad fall and had to undergo emergency surgery. MTFC is running a benefit tournament for him on May 25th. Please try to attend to help out a fellow fencer!!

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2019 Battle in Seattle Post Mortem

  • Attendees: Dan, Sylvie, Alan, Kevin, Rachel, Mike
  • Overall the event went well but there was room for improvement
  • We had some referee complaints from fencers that have been discussed and addressed
  • We need more people for armory
  • We had excess shirts; this is likely due to inability to sell online. We need to have credit card capability. We should also consider the tech fabric for next year.
  • We had sufficient grounded strips.
  • We discussed a contest for next years medal / shirt design. Informal talks indicate this will be popular.
  • We discussed declining attendance numbers. We do not have a solid reason for this and we are looking into possible reasons. We want to reverse the trend.
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Division Annual Meeting

  • The Division Annual Meeting was held at the Division Championships on June 10, 2018
  • Division tournaments were generally profitable; we will end the year with about $3200 in the bank..
  • All officers were re-elected
    • President – Dan Berke
    • Treasurer – Sylvie Troxel
    • Vice – Alan Geller
    • Vice – Rachel Peterson
    • Vice – Kevin Mar
    • Secretary – Michael Reiter
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